Companion Headstones

Memorializing Couples Together

Companion headstones are slightly larger than individual headstones, giving ample room for couples to be memorialized together. Companion headstones are made from the same sturdy materials (usually granite or bronze) that comprise other headstones, but they differ from other headstones because they have room to include the names, birth dates, and death dates of two people who have been (or are to be) buried side by side. Because they can link couples together for the ages, companion headstones offer a unique comfort to families wanting to capture the true love shared by the two individuals and their precious memories together, for generations to come.

Companion headstones, like all headstones, allow families to participate in the centuries of memorial tradition that surround headstones in general. By marking the locations where couples are laid to rest, companion headstones give families a specific location in which to visit and memorialize their loved ones. Psychologists say an important part of the grieving process is to be able to remember a lost person in a special, single spot. Companion headstones, also known as companion grave markers,  also offer the additional advantage of memorializing people as couples rather than as simply individuals. With a companion headstone, beloved couples will always be just that for the ages.

Companion headstones will hold the information to memorialize two individuals

Companion headstones can help historians and genealogists who can use those even centuries, after deaths have occurred.  By assuring that couples stay connected over the ages, companion headstones assure that family histories accurate for years. This is yet another reason why many couples are remembered with companion headstones. Knowing that a beloved couple will be memorialized permanently, as a couple, for as long as history is recorded is a great comfort that companion headstones can provide.

Companion headstones are not only for traditional burial however. Companion grave markers can be set even if both members of a couple have had their remains processed differently. If, say, one of the couple has been cremated, a companion headstone can still be used to memorialize that person alongside his or her spouses’ un-cremated body. Also, it is common for cremation ashes to be buried in an urn atop a loved-one’s un-cremated body. Companion headstones can be used for this memorial option, too.

Because of their very nature, almost all companion headstones are usually purchased “pre-need.” This means companion headstones are paid for while at least one member of the couple is alive. These companion headstones usually have names engraved at the time of purchase and then the dates of death are added (usually for another small fee) later. Families often buy a companion headstone before it is needed so that they can have the advantage of avoiding possibly paying more if the memorial industry sees a price increase. Many couples also enjoy the peace of mind of choosing the design and style of their own companion headstone. While not always practical, it is sometimes possible, for families to replace a headstone with a companion headstone after both members of a couple have died. Because this can often be difficult and/or expensive, is why most companion headstones are sold “pre-need.”